Player Ratings v Chelsea

Last updated : 15 October 2003 By Richard Barker
[You Can See Each Players Season's Stats by Clicking Their Name]

Taylor - Some erratic kicking, and at times he appears slow off his line, but who can fault 6 clean sheets in 8 games?

Tebily - Excellent for the first hour or so, with strength, pace and also looked good offensively. Tired later on, however, though it's not surprising considering his lack of action this season, and the work-rate he put in.

Clapham - A real mixed bag. Made some good defensive contributions, but his distribution was poor again, as it has been all season.

Upson - Solid. Played well against Crespo and Hasslebaink, and though not spectacular, didn't put a foot wrong.

Cunningham - Surprisingly poor early on, with numerous errors, though came on really strong later on, and was inspirational in the final half an hour with some excellent blocks.

Johnson - Reasonable, though got totally done for pace by the incredibly quick Bridge on several occasions... though I think Bridge would outpace just about anyone in this form.

Lazaridis - Isolated in the second half, which was a shame as he terrorised Glen Johnson in the first half, and played really well.

Cisse - Much the same as Tebily. Excellent and back to his best for 60 minutes, but then understandably tired.

Clemence - Quiet, yet effective. Got stuck in and played the sensible balls.

Dugarry - Showed some touches of real class, and at times looked the best player on the pitch, though on some occasions lost the ball too easily.

Dunn - Quiet, but still a threat at times. Passing wasn't what it has been of late, but reasonable all the same.


Hughes - Performed well. Made tackles, and never gave the ball away.

John - Cameo appearance in which he still managed to aggravate fans with his laidback approach.