"… and what's more he never even mentions the opposition!"
Respect. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, that is what it means to me etc etc. I don't like Motown or whatever it is. Probably because they play it for half an hour at weddings and it kills the night. Needle in a bloody haystack, if I hear that tune once more I will go postal on the nearest Amish village I can find.
The word 'respect' is bandied about constantly these days. The new gangsters demand it through the barrel of a handgun, the old guys with a brief fisticuff, some think they have earned it by having huge amounts of money and others think have earned it by literally earning it.
Sullivan and Jordan sit amongst the latter pairing. I hope! Both have more money now than I will ever earn in my lifetime. Both have access to circles most of us don't even know exist. Have they earned your respect though? Do you admire these two fabulously wealthy guys? Do you envy their lifestyle?
If we were honest we would all like some of their money. Well maybe a bit more than some, say about a million, that would be nice. I'm not suggesting that Sullivan, or Jordan, are prepared to donate a million pound to me however if they want to send half that amount each then I will gladly send them a thank you note by return.
But after all is said and done, with all their trappings of wealth, do you actually like them? As people? This is all a little pre-judgemental as I don't know either of them and can only guess an opnion from their public behaviour. That said I don't have to meet Jade Goody or that oik binman who won the lottery to know they are odious oafs and oxygen thieves.
The Sully/ Jordan playground spat of last weekend was laughable. It would have improved if one of them had indeed whacked the other but that was hardly likely mainly because Sully is out of the Time Bandits and Jordan cannot see properly past his early eighties Human League curtains haircut.
The petty name calling never escalated above the sort of cackling that emanates from the local retards in Aston. Where was the wit? Where was Oscar Wilde when you needed him? Dead. That's where. Jordan threw a dildo gag at Sully who responded with a failed film star jibe and how the rest of the civilised world chuckled at these two privileged pampered pooches as they fought like John Inman and that Norton bloke who incidentally is as funny as a turd. Out of the pan.
There is an old saying that sometimes it is best to keep your mouth shut and let the world think you are a fool rather than open it and confirm the thought. Surely the next time we play Palace we can be spared the school bullies and their childish spat. It's not entertaining and its not funny. It's embarrassing and these two wealthy winkers would be better off going to Chinawhites, getting clattered and be caught filmed staggering off down the street arm in arm with a couple of lap dancers, Pete Docherty and Bin Laden. One thing is for sure, they would certainly earn more respect.
Keep right on kids and remember, respect is something other people give you because they admire you for what you are and what you stand for, not because you can fire a gun at an unarmed man nor because you have lots of money.