Dugs Won't Require Further Op

Last updated : 06 November 2003 By Brian Cartlidge

Dugarry underwent a cartilage operation after the first game of the season against Spurs in August and has struggled with the knee ever since, he himself suggesting he may need to go under the knife again to cure the problem.

However, Bruce has confirmed that the French striker probably doesn't need further surgery.

"The one thing that as upset Christophe over the last few weeks is that he as had a knee operation about 7 or 8 weeks ago and he's still a little bit sore and grumbling on and he's frustrated with it, but thankfully this week there's a little bit of pain and irritation there but not a lot," Bruce told Sky Sports News.

"So, hopefully he's got over the worse of it. I don't think there's any need for another operation, its not that drastic. He's just trying to recover from the knee surgery he had 7 or 8 weeks ago and I don't think there'll be any need for him to go back in."