Bruce praise for Sadler

Last updated : 04 November 2002 By Brian Cartlidge
Seventeen-year-old Sadler had, up until Saturday, only made one first team appearance in the Worthington Cup victory over Orient last month and Bruce has spoken of his reluctance to throw the England youth international into his Premiership debut against Bolton.

"I'll always try and give the young kids a chance," said Bruce.

"We've got a great academy set-up and I try and bring them through the reserves where I can, but sometimes at this level it is a massive step-up.

"I was up at 4.10 this morning (Saturday) thinking do I do it for the kid?

"I worried about him playing against players like Okocha and Djorkaeff, but fair play to the kid he's done really well. He's a natural left back you can see that and he's very quick and very confident.

"The thing I like about him is that he's athletic got a nice left foot.

"Towards the end he tired a bit, but we forgive him for that.

"He certainly won't forget this day for the rest of his life. And now it's up to us to try and look after him and protect him."


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